Monday, August 25, 2003

Effects of a Long Weekend

I'm wondering if it would ever be possible for me to find a job that pays and at the same time, that I enjoy. I mean, I just want to experience how it feels not to work at all but have fun while earning money-- like playing professional basketball and the like.

After three days without work, I find myself tired of the usual routine. If only the job does not pay well, I would have quit along time ago.

I miss sleeping at night and living during the day. I miss having daily routine the same as my family, friends and loved ones. I miss watching prime time TV! I miss spending the evening relaxing with my family and thinking of nothing but just sleep. I miss snuggling in bed on stormy nights. I miss having lunch with my friends. I miss bonding time with my sis.

Oh well, but I would have to live like this for the moment. A friend told me, "Konting tiis na lang. If there is a better opportunity, then that's the time you grab it."

Ang tagal naman ng opportunity na yun...


It's tough carrying your own cross. It's even tougher if you carry other people's crosses too. But since you love these people, you'll just have to endure all the suffering. I've always experienced this side of the coin. But these past few days I get to look at it in another way because someone close to me is experiencing the opposite side of the coin. My message: Never leave your hardships and problems on other people's doorsteps. Yes, they love you but they have a life too. They are not created to solve your problems for you. They are there when you need them but they cannot be there all the time. You have the capability to live and lead your own life... to carry your own cross. Do not depend on their love because a time will come when the thing that would keep you going is your belief and love for yourself. Live your life.

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