An afterthought. This is the perfect ending to one of the best book trilogies I have read in my life. Get ready to have your heart wrenched. I read it with my eyes darting, my temples throbbing and my nose running. Suzanne Collins kept me wondering, and when I get to a point I think I can predict what will happen next, she will prove me wrong with her next paragraphs. I do not want to spoil anyone, but I think I'm gonna "burst into flames" soon if I wouldn't have anyone to talk to who has read this book. Team Peeta? Team Gale? No, Team Katniss! =)
The best trilogy for 2010! :) I cried like a baby too when I read the books....
I am looking forward to the movie as well! I hope it does justice to the book. Suzanne Collins has a new series out. Is it as good as this one or better? =)
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