Wednesday, May 05, 2004


Greetings world wide web! Wow, it seems like a long time for me since I last went online!

I went for a routine medical check-up last Sunday. The doctor diagnosed me with Systemic Viral Infection and wanted me to be admitted since he was ruling out Typhoid Fever.

I just came from a 3-day hospital confinement. I was on IV line and was under observation while they were waiting for my lab results and lo! There it was. Salmonella Typhi. Until now, I can't seem to pinpoint where I got the infection.

I'm just thankful that I'm ok now. I'm thankful for my family who will always be there for me, whether I am deserving of their care or not. Of course thank you for the One Mighty Being, whose plans for me I do not dare question.

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