Monday, May 17, 2004





The movie with faces that could launch a thousand ships. Finally, I've watched it.

What more could I ask for? I mean, there was Orlando Bloom who played Paris (I never liked the character) and showed off his archery abilities. *sigh* Orlando Bloom still looks good even if he plays a baddie role. Then a thinner Boromir (Sean Bean) came out as Odysseus. I actually expected more from the role of Odysseus, not just someone who would be Agammemon's "puppet" and try to influence Achilles's decisions. I mean, he's the hero of "The Odyssey"! But I guess there are a lot of heroes already in the movie, there's no more room to highlight another one. Of course Brad Pitt fans swooned seeing him naked most of the time. I am not a fan but I have to admit he was good in playing Achilles. Then I never thought Eric Bana would look better in an armor rather than covered in green when he was in "Hulk". Hehehe! As Hector, I think he could have acted better. I mean, I've always admired Hector in the book. Oh well, whenever his face graces the screen I tell myself, "That will do." *wink*

At the opening scene when I heard the music, I was thinking I've heard this style of musical scoring before. I waited until the credits and found out it was James Horner (remember the "Titanic"?). Of course, the women of Troy were beautiful as expected. But I'm not that interested in the women. I'm more interested in the men. Would you believe that when Aeneas appeared on the screen for about 5 seconds, I muttered loudly, "Who IS that?!" Now, let me search more about Frankie Fitzgerald. I can't seem to find any picture of him on the net. (Aeneas actually has his own epic poem Virgil's "Aeneid".) ;)

If I were given a chance, I would love to see it again. It's not just because of my love for epics and myths, but because the movie, in my opinion, is really good. Although I'm quite sure there were discrepancies from the book. When I got home, the first thing I did was open my copy of "Iliad" by Homer and Edith Hamilton's "Mythology" book. I'll be rereading them in my spare time. :)

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