Friday, July 23, 2004

kissin' and smokin'

I could not deny the fact that whatever I do to avoid it, it would always find a way to affect me. I tried to stay away from the limelight, to keep quiet and just do what I'm expected to do if not do the best I can, to smile and be in good terms with the "higher beings", to avoid people who keeps butting in to other people's business, heck, I even changed companies to avoid it! But it always gets to me.

"Politics" in the corporate world sucks.

It's almost two years since I started working and I realized that when I'm out there, university degrees don't matter, breeding doesn't matter, intelligence and hardwork don't matter IF YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO KISS ASS. You know, rubbing elbows with the "right people", getting promoted for a job well done (in licking butts), playing the game, being phony.

Oh and another thing, in the callcenter industry, you should be really good friends (or lovers) with a manager or a supervisor. If not, then learn how to smoke. Breathing polluted air will eventually be your savior. Smoke and find an excuse to hang out with the "right people". Before you know it, you're getting promoted after a few weeks. Cool huh? Too bad I'm not a smoker. But I'd rather kill myself working than smoking my lungs out.

That's not me. So, I'm still here-- a corporate slave.

This is my opinion. I am not here to bad-mouth all smokers in the callcenter industry. But well, I'm sure you all know what I'm writing about.

I told myself I will not get affected AS LONG AS they leave me alone. I work to earn a living for myself and my family. The last thing I need is someone poking in and finding faults and errors and creating lies if they can't find one. I just hope that people would really grow up when it comes to work-related things. Coz I know there are some out there who, I think, need to go back to school and learn.

As much as I would want to stay rooted in one place, I can't seem to find a job where I really fit in.

(This entry is for my friend. You know who you are. Just be strong, girl. They'l get what they deserve. You'll get what you deserve too. That's reason enough to be happy. Smile, ok?)

I wonder where I could get a copy of this book:


lifecafe said...

hey, i think i saw that book in ink & stone, at the podium :)

Unknown said...

thanks lifey! :)
if it's war they want, it's war they'll get. :p

loryces said...

interesting title. :) sige hanapin ko.