Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Liesl and Po

Liesl & PoLiesl & Po by Lauren Oliver
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

...If you do not believe that hearts can bloom suddenly bigger, and that love can open like a flower out of even the hardest places, then I am afraid that for you the road will be long and brown and barren, and you will have trouble finding the light.

I have read other Lauren Oliver books and I know her stories are well-written. I am also used to dystopian themes, but I also know that this is a children's book. What I didn't know is that this story was written in a way that can be heart-warming even (and especially) for those who have experienced a death of a loved-one.

This story contains the ingredients of a wonderful children's book-- alchemy, magic, love, pets, friends, family and sunshine. The story began in a dark place but as it unfolds, it seethes with innocent, warmth and hope.

But if you do believe, then you already know all about magic.

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Saturday, April 19, 2014

And The Mountains Echoed

And the Mountains EchoedAnd the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Khaled Hosseini is an excellent writer. His novels have basically the same elements that make into a poetic and unforgettable story. The plot has the usual immersion of several multi-generational characters with intertwining stories told in a chronologically non-linear way.

I couldn't help but compare this to "The Kite Runner", though, and there are instances when my attention was not wholly captivated. Maybe I found it a bit long-winded. On the other hand, the first and the latter parts of the story touched me the most. Hosseini's works never fail to touch my heart and make me cry.

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Saturday, April 05, 2014


PanicPanic by Lauren Oliver
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

A lot of contemporary YA authors are good at writing dystopian novels and Lauren Oliver is one of those. I have yet to finish her Delirium series because I wasn't that much excited reading the third one ("Requiem"), but I am intrigued by her stand-alone books.

The latest one, "Panic", contains themes about survival, fear, love, friendship and the strong urge to get away from a suffocating life. I'm sure a lot of YA readers can relate to those. I applaud the twists of the stories, although I am not that enamoured by the characters. There were a lot of gripping moments, but the ending seemed abrupt and left me a bit disappointed. Overall, this is still an interesting read and has a storytelling quality that is still Lauren Oliver.

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