Sunday, December 14, 2003


I went to dinner with some relatives and my family earlier this evening. The food was great! *burp* But I only had 3 hours of sleep, and I still have one shift to finish.

Sunday morning and I'm here at work. I'm alone in my area. I know my sister just watched "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" premiere on HBO. Damn. If I only knew I'd be missing this much, I never would have swapped my Saturday rest day. But then again, the person I swapped with would have missed spending Saturday with her friends in Enchanted Kingdom. That person (who is also my friend) was the one who requested a swap. And since it's over and done with, I better stop this rant. But I promise not to swap work schedules anymore since my personal schedule is greatly affected.

We had dinner in a sort-of restaurant-- the kind that we get to buy fresh seafood in the nearby market then tell the people in the restaurant how we want them cooked. That dinner was for several reasons: 3 of my second cousins had birthdays last week, one of them is getting married next week, another second cousin came from the province for a convention here (haven't seen her for about 17 years now).

Sacrifice self for family.

I know that she (the cousin from the province) is living with a lesbian for about 20 years now. I know also that they're in love because they lasted that long, but homosexual marriages are not legal in this part of the world. Then my cousin was telling us how she wanted to marry someone-- someone who can take her to another country, who can help her fulfill her dreams. So, through the internet, she looked for that someone. To make the story short, her options narrowed to two-- a guy from the US and another from the UK. After meeting those men in person, she has decided to marry the UK guy next year, probably for reasons that are quite obvious since she kept on bragging on how they would tour around the world, how she named beneficiary of his insurance (worth US$1M- Whew! Actually, there are still a lot of stuff he gave her--digital cam, mobile phone, monthly allowance-- oh, I don't want to fill the entire webpage), and how he gives her the time, love and of course, money.

She said she already loves him. I just hope that they do live happily ever after coz she is being treated like a princess. I just hope they spend time together and get to know each other more in the coming months. I have nothing against relationships that start online (I should know better! Haha!) as long as the people involved don't lie or take advantage of one another. Of course, it's always better to meet each other personally and spend time together face-to-face (and not keyboard-to-keyboard if you know what I mean).

But what about her lesbian live-in partner? She'll also get benefits even if my second cousin gets married. Money can be shared, right? No matter how odd it may seem, I'm surprised they made an agreement about their unusual situation. My second cousin admitted that the lesbian gets jealous, but she already told her she wants to get married. But the lesbian will still be someone special.

Sacrifice love for money.

Hey, money is the answer for everything right? Oh well. I hope it is. My mother was, well... kinda envious with her. It is as if my second cousin won the lottery. And it felt like she was giving me hints... Oh well, if she only knew that I have personally experienced meeting someone online. Then learning to fall in love in the process of knowing that someone in person. Too bad he's not The Prince of Wales or someone that rich. If you ever get to read this Ma, I will not marry just for money. Money and love would be more like it. Hahaha! Since I'm not that financially desperate yet, I think I'd rather work hard, get rich and marry the man I love. If one day, I'll be posting that I'll marry Bill Gates or the Prince of Brunei, then maybe I already went beyond desperation.

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