Thursday, March 11, 2004

Slipping Down

When I was 15, I had this huge bruise on my left buttock after I got bumped by a jeepney. I never had that again until last night when I fell down an 8-step stairs at home. I slipped and bruised my left buttock and left ankle. It was so painful but I was glad I did not have any fractures whatsoever. I was teary-eyed since I could not get up for about 3 minutes. It was so painful and I had to take painkillers so I could sleep. But today, whenever I come to think of it, I found the incident funny. I'm at work and I still couldn't sit straight. I thought it's good that I was the one who fell down instead of any other member of my family. Anyways, it's our first year together and we're not doing anything special today. Maybe some other time, like this weekend. But it sure is tough to celebrate when we don't have any moolah.


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