Thursday, February 10, 2005

the pieces are moving...

New ideas are only scary until they become familiar.

Aside from the approaching V-day, my cubital tunnel syndrome and my pending resignation, one other thing made me think when I woke up today. It was my day off last night and early this morning, I received a message that realy irritated me. I was informed that there was a "rumor" about a possibility that the company where I'll be transferring to might lose its account. I was not in the office last night so I was not there to express my views, so here I am typing away.

I know that if an account pulls out of the company, the employees will be forced to transfer to another account. If not, then they are forced to resign. I was thinking if that happens, at least I get to experience getting a higher basic salary. I was hired by that company and they are responsible to look for a position for me. Worst case scenario would be forced-resignation. Although it's not an option for me to be jobless, I am quite confident that I will still find another job in another company. At least I can demand for a higher salary now.

I also know that even the account where I'm working right now still has a threat of being pulled out. So if I stay, I'd still face the same dilemma BUT I'd keep the lower basic pay. So, I'd prefer to face the unknown but receive higher pay than face the unknown and receive a lower amount. I will not stay where I am right now because of that.

It's a rumor. I'll know when I get there if the rumor is true. I was just pissed off because whether you're a friend or you're telling me this for my sake, I don't want other people to meddle with my affairs. Thank you for the concern but I hope you can be happy for me with my decision. It's my life. I will face whatever the outcome will be, whether good or bad. Remember, I will face the outcomes, not you.

It's not as simple as choosing between friends and money. I want to move on because if earning money means a better life for my family, I'm sorry but I will choose my family over friends anytime. If you're truly a friend, you won't think of the sadness and emptiness we'll both feel if we've lost touch. Let's not be self-centered. We'll still be friends even if we're working in different companies. Sure, we'll both meet new people but that's a part of life. Life has different plans for us. Let's move on.

There goes my angst for the day.

By the way, I was diagnosed with right cubital tunnel syndrome. I'll be taking my EMG-NCV test next week. I hope taking meds can lessen it because having an operation is not an option for me now, especially when I'll be giving up my health card once I resign. I just wanna forget about it and look forward to V-day! No, like I mentioned before, I don't have a date but I'll probably watch Pinoy bands perform in UP Diliman with my sis as a part of the UP fair this year. It's been almost 7 years since I've been through one and it's gonna be fun! =)

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