Saturday, March 19, 2005

still alone

NOTE: Supposed mobile blogging continued...

Amidst the noise of Saturday night gimmicks and a midnight mall sale around me, 'm still sitting by the fountain, wishing to be drowned by the night lights. I don't want to go home yet. I've never felt so alone in my life. Thank God for SMS I was able to tell ma things I couldn't tell her in person. She's a bit ranty right now saying that I have to swallow my pride and all and that she never depended on anyone else except herself since she graduated high school. Spare me, I know all about that story. I probably got some of her pride then when she decided not to go continue working for a previous employee. She said she was the boss before and she cannot imagine working under him instead. She never found a job after that. (Yes, I can't seem to forget that moment. It was a decision that changed my life.)

Anyways, she was also talking about dying and stuff. If she only knew how I wish I could have her sickness instead at least I'll have medical coverage once I pass training. *sigh*

I wish it's raining right now so the strangers around me won't see me crying. Thank God for the dark.

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