Sunday, December 04, 2005


The sky is falling? Nah. Siriusly speaking, if there's such thing as "falling out of love", I think I'm on my way there. But then again, since I'm the type of person who gives deserving people second chances, I'd be willing to see if or when time can prove he's definitely worth it. I believe I'm still young and there's more out there than just my home-work-home routine and (hopefully) there's more (real) men out there to get to know. But as of now, we're still a "WE". We'll just see what happens. Like Runt of the Litter said...

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I decided to make a Christmas wish list then later discarded it. It just frustrates me to realize how many things I couldn't have and how much sacrifice I have to do to have certain things. But then again, I'm quite happy with what I have right now. That'll do.

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