Saturday, October 11, 2003

Happy 7th Monthsary!!!

He is in the province right now so we would have to postpone the "celebration" until he gets here. Then maybe just include his birthday celebration too! It's cheaper that way. Hehehe!

He woke up earlier and saw my message so we talked for a while. Here's a snippet of the conversation:

Me: Happy monthsary, lisse***!
Him: (in a sleepy voice) Happy monthsary!
Me: Seven months huh?
Him: Yeah...
Me: Still going strong?
Him: Yes. Because of you. You are handling this relationship so well it feels like you're the "man" in this relationship.
(That comment made me freak out a bit. I wonder what that means...)
Me: (Laughs) Man, huh? Maybe I am.
Him: (Laughs) Thank you so much for everything...

Other lines too cheesy to mention. Hahaha!

***lisse: noun; Elvish (Quenya) for "honey".

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