Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Scattered Thoughts

I think one of the worst feelings in the world is being taken for granted. Especially from someone whom you are willing to sacrifice your life for.


Accepting a person means you also have accepted his/her past. Even if that person's past includes the fact that he/she will not give you 100% of his/her time and attention. But you have to live with that.


I think I am going to accept a friend's invitation to watch a movie. It's been a long time since we talked. I know he is a bit jealous of this friend but what the heck, that friend is gay. I don't think that friend is a threat. Hahahaha! And I want to have fun even if he's not around...

Oktoberfest?! Heehee!


I think I'm getting the hang of this change at work... I hope I'll survive 'til the end of this year... I still feel tired whenever I get home after work.


I miss your love, since you've been gone. I find it hard to go on. The summer skies don't mean a thing. I thought I'd always be strong. I got a feeling inside and it's making my heart cry 'coz I'm missing you... and it's making me blue yeah. I'm missing you. What can I do, I'm thousand miles away from you... ~"Missing You", Meja

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