Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Specs or no specs?


I think it's already been a week since I last wore my contact lenses. I never went to see a doctor since the irritation on my eye is gone already. But I'm still hesitant to continue wearing my contacts. I'll give it a week probably then I'll start wearing those again.

It's good that I'm near-sighted at least I don't need those when I'm working in front of the PC. I only have difficulty when I'm already outside the office--- difficulty in recognizing faces from a few meters away, traffic signs, reading words, transportation info, billboards, etc. My mom suggested I wear eyeglasses again. It's been 5 years since I last wore a pair of specs. I don't think I want to look "geeky" again. (It's not that I hate eyeglasses. I think some people are cute wearing eyeglasses. But I don't think it's for me.)

No specs?

I said: "No more brown-eyed girl for you." (I wore brown contact lenses.)
He said: "You're eyes are prettier without the contacts."


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