Monday, April 21, 2003

Life Less Ordinary

It's been a long weekend for most people. It was a short weekend for me. Wish I could have prolonged the days. Prolonging it would make me endure more. Don't have a choice, really. It's different in the real world, where "adults" get to think before they act. And sometimes, they just say they don't have a choice when in fact, they do. But the alternative choices are not accepted by the society. So, better not do a thing you will regret in the future, right? So, I'm here. Stuck in a situation where I don't have much of a choice. I just have to learn to accept what life has to offer me.

These past few days I've learned not to expect anything from anybody-- not to expect anything from life in general. Just live in the present. Actually, I don't care anymore. That's it.

I'm nearly finished with the book I'm currently reading, "How to Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. One of the ways I detach myself from this world. Love it. Love the thought of being an innocent and truthful child once again. How it feels like to be in their shoes and how they view the world.

Oh, and thank you for spending a wonderful Saturday with me. It's one hot summer and I long for a night swim nowadays. Dream on...

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