Tuesday, October 18, 2005

fast forward

Yeah, I wish I can just fast forward the days. It's been a while since I felt this... you know, looking forward to something. Next Saturday, I'll join a group of friends from work and we'll have swimming / gimmick / videoke / inuman in Laguna. Yay! Finally, an out of town! I know, I know, it's not summer. It's off-peak so it's cheaper and I don't care as long as I could get out of the city and breathe fresh air, I'm fine. Then, I can't wait for November 11 'coz I'll be getting my "last paycheck" from the company and I wanted to add more to my savings account. Then November 16 would be the highlight of my month 'coz I'll be watching "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" with my Ma and sis (and yes, my vacation leave from work was approved). Double Yay! :)

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