Thursday, November 07, 2002

Met two guys these past few days. Guys who kinda changed my outlook on men and love. Guys who made me think if being "single and avalaible" is what Im gonna be for the rest of my life. I dunno what to do now.

Lemme just call them John and James.

John is the Sanguine-Choleric type. He is just fast a a whirlwind but I appreciate everything he has done for me. He is my complement temperament and I can understand why. Florence Littauer (the author of Personality Plus) makes sense. We will have a "date" tonight. Oh God please help! :)

James is quite the opposite. Somehow I think there is a Phlegmatic in him but I am not sure. He has given me subtle hints (too subtle compared to John). He sounds like my cousin (the one I have a crush on. Hehehe!)

I am torn. They both are ok. They both interest me and I would let to know them better. Both know about the existence of each other. They have two different reactions to that. One came first and doesn't want another "competition". One just gives way since he is not the "first". They confuse me. Argh! Why do they have to come at the same time when I had my whole 22 years of existence before me? Or am I that late a bloomer?

I read in a book once that once somebody gets to see the real you and appreciate who you are, the whole world will open up to that and people would start seeing the real you too. It applies in a romantic sort of way. Maybe that's the reason.

My left eye is irritated again. After spending time with Joy yesterday, I learned that maybe it's irritated from wearing contact lens. I have to let adoctor see it and for now, not use my contacts. I'm gonna be squinting most of the time.

Joy and I had a memorable time yesterday. We met up with Joan too. But it was really with Joy I spent some quality and quantity time with. I think after five years of friendship, at last she decided to open up with me. It was really nice since we have so many things in common (re: current problems). I am glad she trusted me now and I'm happy to have another bestfriend around. At least she wont be a "stranger" anymore.

Gotta check me mails. I am having sore throat from talking for a long time last night and my left eye is red. I think I'm falling apart

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