Saturday, November 16, 2002

Sanctuary: noun. A place of refuge, asylum; hence, immunity.

We all have that special place -- a place where we escape the harshness of reality. It may be a little corner in your room, a small table in a cafe, in front of the PC, inside the moviehouse. It's a place where we can be ourselves, where we are comfortable. A place where we can detach ourselves from our surroundings for a while. We spend a quite moment, maybe with a book, some music, or just with ourselves. Where we could spend some time trying to connect with our spirits, or maybe just to let out some hidden feeling trapped deep inside. A place where no one could disturb us and we can be whatever we want to be and do whatever we want to do.

For the past few years, I have my own santuaries wherever I go. But in the place I currently live in, it's the bathroom. Yes, the "comfort" room in every sense of the word. Living in a small apartment with seven people and sharing a bed with my sis doesn't really give me that much space -- especially personal space.

I go there to do things I don't want people to see. I think we all do. Hehehe! But most of all, when I need to be alone and I need to let my anger out, I just cry there. No pretentions. Hey, we always feel better after leaving the bathroom. :)

Where is your sanctuary?

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